
Monday, 27 September 2010

Group Scoring Exercises for Figures 8, 9 and 10

Below are the three HFD which I would like the ALS group to score as a group. Do discuss and arrive at a decision on the scores the group is awarding to the figures below.

Figure 8 - Female 10years 2 months - Drawing of a female

Figure 9 - Female 11 years 1 month - Drawing of a female

Figure 10 -  Male 5 years 2 months - Drawing of a male

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Further Naglieri scoring exercises - Figures 4, 5, 6 & 7

Exercises to further enhance competence in scoring and the groups inter-rater reliability

Please compare the scores you have given to the correct scores you will be given shortly for the drawings below. You would be advised to do that for Figure 1 2 & 3 first before starting to tackle Figs 4, 5,6 & 7. If there are differences, please look at the comments to understand why the respective individual point was given or not given.

• Please score each of the following drawings without looking at the model scores on the blank form as in the previous exercise.
• Check your scoring by looking at the comments for each drawing which you will be given and identify any points of disagreement.
• Count the number of items (1 to 14) in each picture where you have the identical score as the model rating.
• For all four drawings you should have no more than 32 items (categories 1 to 14) in which you disagree with the model scoring to achieve a competency level of 90%.

You have until this weekend to complete the exercise.

Fig 5 - Male Child 11 Years 1 Month, Drawing of a Man

Fig 5 - Male Child 11 Years 1 Month, Drawing of a Man

Fig 6 - Female Child 7 Years 4 Months, Drawing of a Woman

Fig 7 - Male Child 12 Years 10 Months, Drawing of a Woman

Results of the Naglieri Scoring Exercises for Figure 1, 2 & 3

Naglieri Scoring Exercises - ALS  Group Scores in comparison to reference scores

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Online Group Tutorial 2 080910

To download the mp3 of the tutorial recordings right button click here and use 'Save As' from the drop down menu

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Testing your Competence in Using Naglieri Scoring System

Testing your Competence in Using Naglieri Scoring System

The group should practise applying it by marking the three typical drawings of children. Please compare the scores you have given to the correct scores shown together with the drawings that will have been provided to you. If there are differences, please look at the comments to understand why this individual point was given or not given.

Fig 1 - Female Child 6 years 2 months - Drawing of a Female

Fig 2 - Male Child 6 years 5 months - Drawing of a Male

Fig 3 - Female Child 7 years 2 months - Drawing of a Male

• Please score each of the following drawings without looking at the model scores on a blank sheet of paper.

• Check your scoring by looking at the comments for each drawing and identify the points of disagreement.

• Count the number of items (1 to 14) in each picture where you have the identical score as the model rating.

• For all three drawings you should have no more than 19 items (categories 1 to 14) in which you disagree with the model scoring to achieve a competency level of 90%.

• If you have not achieved this, please practise again


Group Art Therapy - Making group dynamics & group processes visible

What you are seeing below is recording of evolving processes of group image creation by the ALS through Scriblink. What do you see and how would such a process in group art making help you to formulate some hypothesis about your group processes and dynamics? Try generating the 5-H Socratic questions of What, Who,  Where, When and How as you explore and become acquaint with understanding the dynamics and processes of the group through the image making processes. How would it help you to understand your own processes through observing and reflecting the different emotions experienced whilst engaging, reacting and responding, in the group art making process in relation to the 'Self' & 'Others'. You can enlarge it to full screen for detailed viewing.

Thank you Shirley for recording this.

Please do add your thoughts and views in the comments below.