
Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Group Art Therapy - Making group dynamics & group processes visible

What you are seeing below is recording of evolving processes of group image creation by the ALS through Scriblink. What do you see and how would such a process in group art making help you to formulate some hypothesis about your group processes and dynamics? Try generating the 5-H Socratic questions of What, Who,  Where, When and How as you explore and become acquaint with understanding the dynamics and processes of the group through the image making processes. How would it help you to understand your own processes through observing and reflecting the different emotions experienced whilst engaging, reacting and responding, in the group art making process in relation to the 'Self' & 'Others'. You can enlarge it to full screen for detailed viewing.

Thank you Shirley for recording this.

Please do add your thoughts and views in the comments below.


  1. when watching again the process, i found that each of us is having a role indirectly in making this piece of art success!! Thank you Shirley for the recording....... well done

  2. From a blank sheet of screen, comes living:
    a happy face, a fruitful tree, a various type of beautiful potted flowers, birds and insects lived in harmony, rains poured from the sky above to nurture the living, then can the settlement of people nearby. But life circle changes every now and then - people change, boundary set, nothing can prevent mother nature disasters to stike - homes will be destroyed, people will grief. But somehow and other, new settlement will be set up. Come another day, the sun will shine again - life goes on..
