
Sunday, 18 July 2010

The Beginning

Welcome to the Action Learning Set for the Therapeutic Use of Art and Image Making Module

Once again we will be embarking on another creative journey of visual imagery and for most of you who currently winding up the Therapeutic Use of Dramatic Role Playing Module at the moment it feels like that there is no much time to catch your breath. Please do extend our warmest welcome to Joanna and Shirley who will be joining us for this module’s Action Learning Set. They have been patient waiting in the wings as we have been fully occupied with the role playing module. We will be meeting online for our first tutorial on Wednesday 21st July 2010 on Skype. I have provide Skype ID which you may need to update your contacts to include those who have recently join us. I note that I Ling and Melinda have already started their Personal Learning Journal, please set yours as soon as possible.

Skype Name
Google Mail Account
Personal Learning Journal (
Ding I Ling
Melinda Leong
Lim Seok Binn

Seow Hooi Cheng

Chin Phaik Nie

Mary Chuah

Joanna Jeske

Shirley Awe

My apologies if I am repeating myself, for those who are joining this Action Learning Set (ALS) for the first time, I note that Shirley have yet to set up a google mail account. Please do let me have your gmail account as soon as you have it set up. Set in up your Google Mail Contacts your group email for your Action Learning Set (to include me – making it easier to include everyone in any email loop discussion. Use Re: TUOAAIM in the beginning of your subject heading for ease of locating the email thread of it is anything to do with this module.
Google calendar – Have shared CPPD Penang calendar you can add this to your own google calendar as well as your group members in helping you organising your schedules for future web conferencing or meetings.
Google Documents – This is where I will be posting relevant academics articles to share in reference to your action learning tasks. This is also were your Action Learning Set will posting files of your group ‘work in progress’ as you share and address the group task of the module.
With your Google Mail Account you can then create your Blog at  Create a blog for this module that follows the following protocol http://tuoartimage(yourname) (See Ding I Ling or Melinda’s blog e.g. above) This is your Personal Learning Journal (PLJ) where you will maintain your learning reflections (thoughts, feelings, actions, learning insights, links, understandings, evaluations etc. to be shared with your Set. Ensure your settings can accept comments and create links to your ALS member’s blogs by following their blogs as ‘friends’.
I have also set up a learning portal for this module using the familiar blogspot at This is where our learning tasks will be posted, discussions, questions and answers, links to resources, etc, etc will be posted. This is like the main reception area to all the various areas of learning. So DON’T FORGET to add this also to your own blogs (PLJ). It will show up on the blog if you have managed to achieve this. Could you do this asap as all future communication will be via the portal.
Skype – Ensure you have added all the members of your ALS in Skype account.
Useful to remind yourself as a group again what are the Ground Rules for the Action Learning Set given the additions to the membership. Its up to the group to negotiate, establish and make explicit what those ground rules are to avoid any misunderstanding of what is expected and the responsibilities as a member of the learning set to the group. You may decide to use group email, Skype conference etc to achieve that. As I have mentioned before, it would be better to get this out way first even if it means having to repeat it.
Learning Tasks
For your Personal Learning Journal
Refer to the intended learning outcomes in the module information at the url below (I have replicated them as well)  Bear this in mind over the next couple of weeks and stay focus during your reflections as you attempt to integrate your experience with the outcomes below. So start by reflecting on the skills workshop that you had attended on the 5th  June.
·       Work with a variety of art and image making materials and therapeutic techniques in encouraging creative and self-affirming expression of individuals and groups.
·       Incorporate image making and art-based assessments in complementing their existing assessment methods in understanding client’s emotional, cognitive, and developmental needs and concerns.
·       Consider therapeutic structures and techniques in art and image making that is going to be relevant to individuals and groups in allowing expression and exploration of personal psychological material.
·       Appreciate forms, shapes, colours and metaphors 
THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT - LEARNING REQUIRES YOUR PARTICIPATION – I note that the participation during the last module has been really fantastic. Some of you are really ‘active’ and self-directed learners willing to share so much of yourself in your journal and contributing to your peers’ journals as well. The significant learning is so evident when that can be achieved and I would keep encouraging you to do that. Learning requires an element of risks, but without risks neither change nor transformation can ever be achieved. Do pay regular visits to your group members Personal Learning Journals and offer your feedback comments on their entries - words of encouragement, reflective prompts, your own views/opinions, links to resources, questions,  etc. Without this kind of interaction there is no value to be gain from learning in a group.  You have to maintain regular entries in your Personal Learning Journal, learning requires risks in making your thoughts and feelings visible, such self-disclosure and constructive feedback from colleagues are essential for ‘real’ learning. I suggest that as a guideline; make at least a minimum of an entry a week besides contributing to your members PLJ.
I encourage you in experimenting with embedding a variety of mutli-media add-ons in your blog, creativity includes finding new ways of playing, in this case, the digital environment, in expressing yourself. Many of your have shown evidence of that in your blogs, thus hopefully, this will be a source of inspiration for you and remember to learn from each other, this is after all your action learning set.
Initial Tasks
I invite you to create a least one piece of art or image using any of the different media each week, I have mentioned this earlier in my previous posting. This will give you more hands on experience with the various media. I am asking you to post them up on your blog together with your comments and reflections. Use a digital camera, scanner or mobile phone camera to capture your work. Just work intuitively as there is no specific theme or topic. Date it and give a title. This will be helpful when you look back at what you have produced when patterns or themes can be seen to emerge.

For the first online tutorial, I would like each of you to produce a simple pencil drawing on paper (A4). You can have an eraser with you. The task is to Draw a Person. Bring this in digital form preferably posted in your blog or if your blog is not ready onto a picture repository like Flickr or Facebook etc some where it can be accessible online with an url. We will be looking at one of the most common form of image making that is found in most visual art, the body.

That’s enough for now. We will start gently in our warm-up before gathering speed. I look forward to speaking to you all on Wednesday.
Best wishes

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