
Saturday, 24 July 2010

Learning Tasks - contd

Learning Task 2 - Using visual imageries as triggers to engage and develop your creative processes.

Visit the Pic.Litts site (click to previous posting for url address and example) choose a minimum of three pictures and allow yourself to be inspired by the visual image as you let the image reverberate or resonate and engaged with your creative imagination to find its expressions in prose or poetry. This exercise will developed your sensitivity and receptivity to your inner creative source of imagination. Find a way to express your inner thought and feelings evoke by the image through metaphors, symbols and allegories. Don't rush the task learn to let the image simmer, percolate and infused into the depth of your mind and psyche. Take your time to reflect and contemplate on each visual image. See it as a continuous process, not a task to get it put of the way.

Learning Task 3 - Draw A Person

Once you have drawn a person and determined its gender, draw another picture of a person of the opposite sex to the first picture. You should have two pictures drawn. I will be asking you to pair up and set up a meeting through Skype as you practice facilitating each in turn to facilitate each other and develop associations to the images produced. Give feedback and share your discussion of the facilitative process and any sharings of what transpired in terms of clarity and insights you may have gained as a result of your experienced of being facilitated. You are requested to enter your reflections in your Personal Learning Journal about the experience itself. You may recall an example of the initial process if you were to listen to Tutorial 1. The tasks will help you develop the kind of questions and style that would help in the self-inquiry process of your partner through your facilitation. I have made the list of the random pairing. 

  • Melinda - Shirley
  • I Ling - Seok Bin
  • Mary - Cheng
  • Joanna - Phaik Nie
You may want to read the few articles about DAP I have uploaded to Google Docs to share with the group. This would increase your familiarity with the technique and processes. Once the two drawings, your reflections on your pair work are completed, I will guide you further in making detailed observations in understanding and interpreting. REMEMBER interpretation is very subjective and relative and is NOT the central process in your therapeutic work with clients. However it will provide you with a working framework to understand of body image and its potential dynamic relationship between soma and the psyche.

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